I’m Ariadna! I’m a Postnatal Recovery Coach, based in Kent, certified therapist who focuses on postnatal wellness and recovery. Through my work, integrates breath-work with physical therapy, nutrition, and a mental health component, helping mums who feel overwhelmed, overtired, and discouraged by parenthood find the time, energy, and support they need to recover.
I am a mum of two girls - three countries - two languages - two cultures - one love
I am a holistic postnatal doula / birthkeeper
I am a massage therapist and wellness advocate for over 20 years
I am an ante and post-natal trainer
I am a post-natal wellness practitioner -Burrell Education
I am a breathwork instructor
I am a baby massage with newborn nurture touch and baby yoga teache
I am a colic consultant - soothe, settle and sleep instructor trained by Blossom & Berry
I very nearly didn’t get to meet my daughter. Nine months in her father and I were planning on a vaginal delivery. Everything was on track. But on the morning of my due date I woke up to heavy bleeding. My husband immediately called the hospital and they advised that we come in ASAP.
We put on our coats, grabbed my hospital bag, and took the 20-minute drive to the hospital – what felt like the longest drive of my life. Despite the earlier scare at home, things were now going fine – until the nurses decided to induce me. We waited and waited for the induction to run its course, but there was little progress. I was powerless to help, ignorant about the science, and too afraid to ask or push back on some of the decisions being taken that were causing me concern.
Sometime around midnight the new nurse on shift quickly realised something was wrong and that my baby’s heart rate had been irregular now for a couple of hours. Thanks to her intervention, within seconds I was prepared for an emergency caesarean. I was given an epidural and off we went to theatre.
Unfortunately the epidural had very little effect – I still remember the excruciating pain as if it were yesterday. I also recall very vividly urging the doctors to stop – they responded that if they did, I would have to have a full-body anaesthetic and have the baby born asleep. I chose to carry on.
But we had our happy ending. At 1 am our angel arrived, weighing in at a healthy 9lb11oz.
An hour later, I was done with the theatre room. I thought the hard part was over. I’d gone through labour and my little girl was here.
Yep, you’re probably laughing too.
Because the truth was that I had not even begun the transition into parenthood. For one thing, in all my 34 years, I had only once held a baby in my arms.
I had been thrust headfirst into this epic journey called ‘Parenting’ – but as it stood for some time, I only ever felt like a passenger.
It was the nurse that had saved my child, not me. My baby was just a few hours old and I was having my first taste of some of the worst parental emotions – nagging, crushing, stomach-churning, overwhelming guilt and anxiety. The birth was utterly joyous, but at the same time it had been traumatic for both of us. The reality, that I may not have realised at the time, was that my first childbirth experience had left me with physical and mental scars that were going to take time to heal.
So, was I ready to be a mum on that cold and damp spring day in 2014? With some certainty I can tell you that, no, I definitely was not ready to be a mum.
But as the old saying goes – ‘life goes on!’ and I lived to tell the tale. Sometimes the old cliches serve us best, hey!
And the best part to come from all of it? Aside from my daughter of course… My experience of being thrust into motherhood inspired me to make it my mission to help people on their parenting journey, giving them a helping hand to hold every step of the way.
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My mission is to help new mothers learn inspiring skills that support and guide them through their unique journey, strengthening the connections that they share with their partners and their children.
My vision is to create more resilient families by teaching as many mothers as I can about the power of love and compassion, one small step at a time. To help them discover the magic that lies in parenthood when they are able to connect with their children in a more intuitive and loving way. To give them the tools they need to raise confident, empowered, and conscious children.
“Raise your consciousness, regain your true self and elevate your intuition to create a deeper connection with your child”